Category: Investing/Banking

Investment Opportunities

100 Trillion World Economy
Recycling Plastic

Recycling Plastic Waste

Global Progress ? eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, July 18th 2022– Last month, mid-June 2022, more than 250 people working within the PET plastic value chain gathered in Brussels at the Petcore Europe Conference to discuss circularity and other important issues in the PET plastic value chain.  The rising prices of both PET and its recycled counterpart rPET are a…
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Indonesia Economy

Macro-Glance Indonesia

Indonesia’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at ‘BBB’ : Stable Outlook. fitch/eyesonindonesia Low Public Debt; Weak Revenue: Indonesia’s rating balances a favourable medium-term growth outlook and a still low government debt/GDP ratio against government revenue, sovereign external debt to GDP and structural features such as governance indicators and GDP per capita that are weak compared with…
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Clean Rivers Indonesia

The Good and Plastic Free Life

Clean Rivers Clean Brain Part IV Amsterdam, July 1, 2022 — Without plastic, we might even have to change the way we talk about ourselves. “Consumer is inherently a single-use term,” Walker says. In a world where packaging is recycled and reused, not thrown away, we can become citizens instead. We might also find that for…
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Indonesia Clean Water

Living Life Without Plastics

Clean Rivers, Cleaner Brain  Part III Amsterdam, June 29, 2022– Exposure to EDCs during critical periods of fetal growth can have long-lasting effects. “If the mother is pregnant and she is exposed to plastics or other chemicals that alter the development of her fetus, those changes are lifelong, irreversible changes,” Swan says.  This means that…
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Living Without Plastics

Clean Rivers, Cleaner Brain Part II Amsterdam, June 28, 2022– It’s not just consumers who should change their habits – supermarket supply chains are optimized for selling packaged products and should be overhauled.  In the meantime, highly perishable goods such as asparagus, green beans and berries can end up on the field unpicked with…
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Living Without Plastics

Clean Rivers, Cleaner Brain  Part I Amsterdam, June 27, 2022– Of the 8,300 million tons of virgin plastic produced until the end of 2015, 6,300 million tons have been thrown away.  Most of that plastic waste is still with us, buried in landfills or polluting the environment. Microplastics have been found in Antarctic sea…
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Cleaning a River in Jakarta

Cleaning a River in Jakarta with Technology from the Netherlands

In order to clean the world’s 1000 most polluting rivers, we build the Interceptor. The first Interceptor is deployed on CengKareng Drain, Jakarta. To rid the oceans of plastic, we need to not only clean up what is already out there, but also stop new plastic from entering the ocean: we need to close the…
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Indonesia Container ports

Investment Opportunities in Indonesia

Investment opportunities in Indonesia are getting larger today. As revealed by, the investment climate in the country is still safe and in a positive trend. Notes from Bank Indonesia also show the money circulation in the foreign exchanges that received per July 25, 2019, reach IDR 192,5 billion. Investment Opportunities in Indonesia Looking at…
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Attracting New Investors for Indonesia

High margins, a large market with low banking penetration and healthy economic growth are key reasons why Indonesia is considered one of the most attractive markets for financial institutions in Southeast Asia. Moody’s recently changed its outlook on the Indonesian banking system to positive from stable, as it saw improvements in the country’s operating environment,…
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