Category: Opinion

Investment Opportunities

Political Crisis in Brazil: Fears and Hopes Amidst Trump’s Inauguration

eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, January 21st, 2025 –  As the world watches the inauguration of Donald Trump, Brazil finds itself in the throes of a political crisis that has left many of its leading figures on edge. The return of Trump to the presidency has emboldened far-right movements globally, and Brazil is no exception. This article delves…
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Why Suriname as an Emerging Oil-Rich Nation Could And Should Benefit from Diplomatic Representation in Moscow

Why Suriname as an Emerging Oil-Rich Nation Could And Should Benefit from Diplomatic Representation in Moscow

O P I N I O N eyesonsuriname Suriname finds itself at a crucial turning point in its history. With recent discoveries of substantial oil reserves in its coastal area, the country has the potential to develop into a significant economic player. This natural wealth can not only bring Suriname economic stability and prosperity but…
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