Tag: BRICS Summit

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BRICS Bank Might Extend Dilma Rousseff’s Mandate

BRICS Bank Might Extend Dilma Rousseff’s Mandate

Offer from Russia eyeson..project Amsterdam, 25 oktober 2025–Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was offered the chance to stay for another five years as head of the New Development Bank (NDB, also known as the BRICS Bank) by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the bloc’s Summit in Kazan, it was reported by Brazilian News Agencies on…
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Welcoming New Nations: The BRICS Expansion

BRICS Expands: Welcoming New Members and Shaping the Future

eyesonindonesia Welcoming New Nations: The BRICS Expansion The BRICS alliance, originally comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has announced a significant expansion. Six new countries—Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates—will join the bloc starting January 1, 2024.This expansion reflects the growing influence and appeal of BRICS as a…
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