Tag: The Philippines

Investment Opportunities

Manila Bay Cleanup

The Philippines on its unstoppable way becoming a regional model

Cleaning Up Rivers and Waterways eyesonthephilippines Amsterdam, August 5th 2024– Like several other regions in SE Asia, the Philippines is grappling with the problem of river and waterway pollution. Plastic waste, for example, is a major challenge and threat to the environment, economic productivity, and the health of the population.  It seems therefore to be…
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The Philippines Tourism industry and sector

More than abundant Investment Opportunities eyesonthephilippines Amsterdam, June 24th 2024– The tourism industry in the Philippines offers a wide range of investment opportunities, driven by the country’s natural beauty, cultural wealth and hospitality.  Investments in infrastructure, ecotourism, accommodation and adventure and recreation services can not only deliver significant financial benefits, but also contribute to the sustainable…
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The Plastic Waste Pollution in the Philippines

A Cleaner Future for All is possible. eyesonthephilippines Amsterdam, 14 June 2024– With its breathtaking natural beauty and vibrant communities, the Philippines faces a growing crisis that threatens its environment and well-being: plastic waste pollution. In recent years, the archipelago has witnessed a surge in plastic waste, from urban centres to remote beaches.   In this document we’ll…
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The Philippines trying hard to lead in Banking and Finance Industries.

Forefront in SE Asia eyesonthephilippines  Amsterdam, — June 24th 2024–Thinking about and trying to analyze the future of the banking and finance industry in the Philippines we can’t escape the thought that this particular industry is characterized by digital innovation, regulatory support, and a high, serious commitment to financial inclusion and sustainability.  The integration of…
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