Tag: Geo-Politics

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Suriname benefits from new IMF rules

Suriname benefits from new IMF rules

Possibly more financial peace in Paramaribo eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, October 12th 2024– “I’m pleased to announce that the Executive Board has reached a consensus on a reform of IMF charges and surcharges. This will lower borrowing costs for our members by 36 percent while preserving the IMF’s financial capacity to support countries in a challenging global…
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The Next Global Superpower Isn’t Who You Think – Ian Bremmer

The Next Global Superpower Isn’t Who You Think – Ian Bremmer

eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, September 20th, 2024 – Who runs the world? Political scientist Ian Bremmer argues it’s not as simple as it used to be. With some eye-opening questions about the nature of leadership, he asks us to consider the impact of the evolving global order and our choices as participants in the future of democracy.

Obama told a story about America

Obama told a story about America at his first inauguration 15 years ago.

These people were there, and they still believe Analysis by John Blake, CNN Elizabeth Alexander was in her hotel room in Washington, DC, one frigid winter morning when she was awakened by a strange noise outside her window. She peered outside and saw a sea of people, bundled against the cold, walking in the predawn darkness…
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Digital Companies as the New Global Superpower

Digital Companies: Powering the Future of Global Superpower

Digital Companies: Unleashing the Potential of a Connected World Introduction How Digital Companies are Transforming the Global Economy Exploring the Impact of Digital Companies on International Trade Examining the Role of Digital Companies in Shaping the Future of Global Superpower Analyzing the Benefits of Digital Companies for Developing Nations Investigating the Challenges Faced by Digital…
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