Tag: Reforestation

Investment Opportunities

The Dance of Carbon Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

The Dance of Carbon: Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

eyesonindonesia 1. The Minister’s Bold Move In a daring twist, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has set sail on uncharted waters. His plan? To dump carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the North Sea. Critics raise their eyebrows, fearing sea acidification and seismic ripples. But Habeck stands firm, envisioning a climate solution beneath the waves. 2. Reforestation:…
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Greener Pastures: Reforestation Taking Root in Indonesia’s Mining Scars

Greener Pastures: Reforestation Taking Root in Indonesia’s Mining Scars

eyesonindonesia Indonesia, a nation rich in natural resources, faces a significant challenge: the environmental and social consequences of widespread mining activities. However, a promising solution is emerging – reforestation efforts are reclaiming despoiled lands, offering a glimmer of hope for a more sustainable future. Ground Zero: Where Reforestation Efforts Thrive The most significant reforestation initiatives…
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From Pixels to Leaves: How Technology Breathes Life into Reforestation

From Pixels to Leaves: How Technology Breathes Life into Reforestation

eyesonindonesia 1. LiDAR Technology: Accelerating Reforestation Efforts In North Sulawesi, Indonesia, the Masarang Foundation partnered with MSDI, a leading LiDAR services provider, to restore and conserve 500 hectares of degraded land. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology played a crucial role in this endeavor: 2. Environmental Technology Paradox While technology has caused environmental harm, it…
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Reforestation Indonesia

Reforestation in Indonesia

A Green Path to Climate Resilience and Prosperity eyesonindonesia 1. Mitigating Climate Change: A Forested Shield Indonesia’s lush rainforests have long been a treasure trove of biodiversity, but they also play a critical role in mitigating climate change. Here’s how reforestation efforts are a beacon of hope: Carbon Capture and Storage Reforestation acts as a powerful…
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The Dance of Carbon: How CO₂ Shapes Our Forests

The Dance of Carbon: How CO₂ Shapes Our Forests

eyesonindonesia 1. The Love-Hate Relationship with CO₂ Plants and trees have a complex relationship with carbon dioxide (CO₂). On one hand, CO₂ is their lifeblood—a vital ingredient for photosynthesis, the magical process that turns sunlight into energy. During this dance, plants absorb CO₂, release oxygen, and grow. But like any intricate tango, there’s a twist:…
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Syntropic Farming in Indonesia: Cultivating Abundance and Regeneration

Syntropic Farming in Indonesia:

Cultivating Abundance and Regeneration eyesonindonesia 1. Introduction Ernst Götsch’s revolutionary approach to agriculture, known as syntropic farming, has the potential to transform Indonesia’s agricultural landscape. By integrating principles from natural ecosystems, syntropic farming offers a sustainable and regenerative alternative. Let’s explore how this concept can be applied in Indonesia. 2. Understanding Syntropic Farming Syntropic farming…
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How planting trees is bringing clean water to a tropical nation

How planting trees is bringing clean water to a tropical nation

The Dominican Republic’s forests are being cut down for grazing land – and it’s also having a serious effect on the water supply. Is planting new trees a natural solution to the crisis? by Lucy Sherriff / BBC Nothing, not even a drop, came out. Even the pipes, which usually gurgled in anticipation, stayed silent.…
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100 million trees for Borneo

100 million trees for Borneo

On the island of Borneo, many forests have been cleared to make way for oil palm plantations or mining. That’s having a disastrous effect on nature. So the 100 Million Trees project aims to bring back the forests.

Exclusive Interview with Biden, Clinton and Obama Advisor on Climate Change

One of the secrets for success is more and better investments in data and more data. Listen to David J. Hayes in an exclusive one-on-one interview with eyesonindonesia.David J. Hayes is an American attorney and legal scholar who serves in the Biden Administration as Special Assistant to the President for Climate Policy. Hayes has led the White House work on…
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The savings of our forests

by the Stanford Law School Lab David J. Hayes eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, July 14th 2023 — Forests provide a critically-important nature-based tool to combat the actual climate crisis. During the coming days and weeks eyesonindonesia is addressing the opportunities to deploy climate-smart forestry practices to remove additional quantities of climate-harming carbon from the atmosphere.  The report…
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