Tag: Carbon Credits

Investment Opportunities

The Dance of Carbon Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

The Dance of Carbon: Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

eyesonindonesia 1. The Minister’s Bold Move In a daring twist, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has set sail on uncharted waters. His plan? To dump carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the North Sea. Critics raise their eyebrows, fearing sea acidification and seismic ripples. But Habeck stands firm, envisioning a climate solution beneath the waves. 2. Reforestation:…
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Carbon Credits: Paving the Way for a Greener Future

Carbon Credits: Paving the Way for a Greener Future

eyesonindonesia 1. The Emergence of a Global Carbon Exchange In a world grappling with climate change, carbon credits have emerged as a powerful tool. Singapore, a hub for financial innovation, is at the forefront of this movement. The Singapore Exchange (SGX) has taken a bold step by launching Climate Impact X (CIX), a global carbon exchange…
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The Dance of Carbon: How CO₂ Shapes Our Forests

The Dance of Carbon: How CO₂ Shapes Our Forests

eyesonindonesia 1. The Love-Hate Relationship with CO₂ Plants and trees have a complex relationship with carbon dioxide (CO₂). On one hand, CO₂ is their lifeblood—a vital ingredient for photosynthesis, the magical process that turns sunlight into energy. During this dance, plants absorb CO₂, release oxygen, and grow. But like any intricate tango, there’s a twist:…
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Germany announces offshore carbon storage plan

Germany recently announced it has made plans to look into and begin enabling underground carbon storage at offshore sites. The first steps the country will take towards doing this, are to push forwards with the technology that has been under debate for quite a while. eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, Feb.29 th 2024 — Robert Habeck, who is the…
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Carbon Trading Pilot Program

Carbon Trading Pilot Program

Launched in Dubai eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 1 Feb. 2024 — The Dubai Financial Market announced that it will launch a carbon trading pilot program, aiming to global daily price references. eyesonsuriname is getting a hold of the pilot program for institutional investors and will run it next month The move will position the Dubai Financial Market…
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What Every Leader Needs to Know About Carbon Credits

What Every Leader Needs to Know About Carbon Credits

In the absence of government regulations requiring dramatic reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are causing climate change, a growing number of companies are adopting “net zero” targets. More than one third of the world’s 2,000 largest publicly held companies have declared net zero targets according to Net Zero Tracker, a database compiled by a collaboration…
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The Invisible Hand of Carbon: How Trading Shapes Our Lives

From the fuel we pump to the food on our plates, the unseen hand of carbon trading touches nearly every aspect of our lives. While you might not be buying and selling “carbon” at the market, its price dictates the cost of everyday choices, nudging us towards a greener future – sometimes subtly, sometimes with…
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Big Oil’s Favorite Climate Change Solution

Big Oil’s Favorite Climate Change Solution

eyesonindonesia This year’s United Nations climate summit will be the biggest in history–and the first held in a major petrostate. Host United Arab Emirates wants to bring the fossil fuel industry into the climate fold, but to make that happen requires wide deployment of carbon capture and storage. Proponents argue the new technology could help…
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Stanford Receives $1.1 Billion Donation From John Doerr for Climate School

Jennifer L John Doerr donated $1.1 billion to Stanford to build a new climate school. Mr. Doerr’s gift is the highest ever given to a university for building a new school. It will be named the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. The gift makes the Doerrs the lead donors of climate change research and scholarship.…
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Singapore and Indonesia Carbon Trading Deal

Singapore and Indonesia Carbon Trading Deal

Singapore and Indonesia have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding climate change and carbon credits.  Currently, Singapore is the center of commodity trading in Asia. Indonesia is among the biggest carbon credit suppliers in the region. It is also home to one of the earth’s biggest rainforests.  The agreement between the two countries…
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