Tag: Resilience

Investment Opportunities

Reforestation Indonesia

Reforestation in Indonesia

A Green Path to Climate Resilience and Prosperity eyesonindonesia 1. Mitigating Climate Change: A Forested Shield Indonesia’s lush rainforests have long been a treasure trove of biodiversity, but they also play a critical role in mitigating climate change. Here’s how reforestation efforts are a beacon of hope: Carbon Capture and Storage Reforestation acts as a powerful…
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The Living Wage in Indonesia: Empowering Workers for a Brighter Tomorrow

The Living Wage in Indonesia:

Empowering Workers for a Brighter Tomorrow eyesonindonesia Introduction The concept of a living wage has gained prominence worldwide as a means to ensure that workers receive fair compensation, allowing them to meet their basic needs and maintain a decent standard of living. In Indonesia, this idea has taken root, aiming to uplift workers and create…
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Siemens presents €2 billion investment strategy to boost future growth, innovation and resilience

including around €200 million for a high-tech factory in Singapore To boost future growth, drive innovation and increase resilience, Siemens today presented its investment strategy which includes €2 billion mainly for new manufacturing capacity as well as innovation labs, education centers and other own sites.  Siemens today announced a new high-tech factory in Singapore, to…
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