Tag: Natural Gas

Investment Opportunities

Indonesia’s Deepwater Discoveries:

Fueling Economic Growth and Energy Security eyesonindonesia 1. Eni’s Geng North Discovery: A Game-Changer Indonesia has once again made headlines in the upstream exploration and production industry with Eni’s remarkable Geng North gas discovery in the ultra-deepwater Kutei Basin1. This significant find ranks among the top oil and gas discoveries worldwide this year. Let’s delve…
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WoodMac: 4.6 billion barrels of oil discovered offshore Suriname.

Plus 12.5 trillion Cubic Feet of Gas eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 20 May 2024–The Consultancy Group of Wood Mackenzie has put Suriname’s oil resource count at more than 2.4 billion barrels and its natural gas resources at 12.5 trillion cubic feet (tcf). Based on WoodMac’s numbers, assuming one trillion cubic feet of gas equals 176 million barrels of…
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Exxon CEO: Guyana is the most successful deepwater development in history

eyesonguyana Amsterdam, 27 april 2024–ExxonMobil’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of the Board, Darren Woods, hailed Guyana’s oil story as one that will be well remembered in the history of the oil and gas sector.  “I believe Guyana will go down as one of the most successful deepwater developments in the history of the…
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