Tag: Future

Investment Opportunities

Suriname Future

and Common Sense eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 19 june 2024– Suraya Jiawan-Nanan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Haukes Construction Company in Suriname, is urging local businesses to elevate their standards to meet international requirements as the country prepares for a surge in its oil industry.  Jiawan-Nanan, at the recent Suriname Energy Oil and Gas Summit, emphasized that achieving…
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Indonesia’s BRICS Journey: A Path Less Taken

Indonesia’s BRICS Journey: A Path Less Taken

eyesonindonesia 1. The BRICS Invitation: A Polite Decline Indonesia recently stood at the crossroads of opportunity. The club of emerging economies, known as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), extended an invitation. Yet, with grace and strategic foresight, Indonesia politely declined. Why? Because it recognizes that its national interests lie elsewhere. 2. The…
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The Rise of the Iraqi Dinar

The Rise of the Iraqi Dinar

Implications for the US Dollar Dominance eyesonindonesia 1. Introduction In a surprising move, Wells Fargo has entered the Iraqi Dinar market, signaling a potential shift in the global currency landscape. As the Dinar gains prominence, questions arise about its impact on the long-standing dominance of the US Dollar. In this article, we explore the consequences…
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Singapore: the future of business events

An Absolute New World eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, 26 March 2023– A vibrant and growing start-up culture Considered amongst the top in the world for start-up talent, Singapore has more than 4,0001 tech start-ups and is one of the fastest growing start-up communities in the world.  With world-class facilities and collaborative spaces such as LaunchPad @ one-north, start-ups…
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