Tag: Recycling

Investment Opportunities

From Pixels to Leaves: How Technology Breathes Life into Reforestation

From Pixels to Leaves: How Technology Breathes Life into Reforestation

eyesonindonesia 1. LiDAR Technology: Accelerating Reforestation Efforts In North Sulawesi, Indonesia, the Masarang Foundation partnered with MSDI, a leading LiDAR services provider, to restore and conserve 500 hectares of degraded land. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology played a crucial role in this endeavor: 2. Environmental Technology Paradox While technology has caused environmental harm, it…
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A Finnish company succeeded where many others failed: reducing plastic pollution in Asian waters

Finland-based Riverrecycle Oy has developed a method to tackle the plastic litter that is plaguing the oceans. Together with its partners, the company has collected one million kilos of litter from rivers in developing countries in just a few years. JENNI FRILANDER A Finnish start-up has succeeded where many others have not: in removing plastic…
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Making green plastic from captured CO2

eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, 26 June 2023 — To become climate neutral and circular by 2050, the chemical industry must stop using fossil fuels and raw materials and no longer emit CO2. This means electrification of processes that are currently still gas-driven, reduction of CO2 emissions, use of green electricity, but also the use of other raw…
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Plastic Pollution In Indonesia

River Recycling Initiatives eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, May 10th 2023– Plastic pollution has emerged as a global environmental crisis, with rivers serving as significant contributors to the problem. In Indonesia, a country known for its diverse river systems, the issue of plastic waste poses a serious threat to both the environment and public health. To combat this…
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Recycling Plastic

Recycling Plastic Waste

Global Progress ? eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, July 18th 2022– Last month, mid-June 2022, more than 250 people working within the PET plastic value chain gathered in Brussels at the Petcore Europe Conference to discuss circularity and other important issues in the PET plastic value chain.  The rising prices of both PET and its recycled counterpart rPET are a…
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Indonesia Clean Water

Living Life Without Plastics

Clean Rivers, Cleaner Brain  Part III eyesonindonesia.com Amsterdam, June 29, 2022– Exposure to EDCs during critical periods of fetal growth can have long-lasting effects. “If the mother is pregnant and she is exposed to plastics or other chemicals that alter the development of her fetus, those changes are lifelong, irreversible changes,” Swan says.  This means that…
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Living Without Plastics

Clean Rivers, Cleaner Brain  Part I eyesonindonesia.com Amsterdam, June 27, 2022– Of the 8,300 million tons of virgin plastic produced until the end of 2015, 6,300 million tons have been thrown away.  Most of that plastic waste is still with us, buried in landfills or polluting the environment. Microplastics have been found in Antarctic sea…
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