Tag: Sustainability

Investment Opportunities

The Dance of Carbon Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

The Dance of Carbon: Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

eyesonindonesia 1. The Minister’s Bold Move In a daring twist, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has set sail on uncharted waters. His plan? To dump carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the North Sea. Critics raise their eyebrows, fearing sea acidification and seismic ripples. But Habeck stands firm, envisioning a climate solution beneath the waves. 2. Reforestation:…
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Greener Pastures: Reforestation Taking Root in Indonesia’s Mining Scars

Greener Pastures: Reforestation Taking Root in Indonesia’s Mining Scars

eyesonindonesia Indonesia, a nation rich in natural resources, faces a significant challenge: the environmental and social consequences of widespread mining activities. However, a promising solution is emerging – reforestation efforts are reclaiming despoiled lands, offering a glimmer of hope for a more sustainable future. Ground Zero: Where Reforestation Efforts Thrive The most significant reforestation initiatives…
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European agreement transports and storage carbon across borders

European agreement transports and storage carbon across borders

eyesonsuriname A European infrastructure for carbon capture and storage is underway. Today, arrangements between Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden allow cross-border transport and geological storage of captured CO2. Carbon capture and storage is a tool that can capture some of the emissions that are very difficult to prevent – and capturing those emissions…
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Cultivating Resilience: Soil Erosion Prevention in Indonesian Agriculture

Cultivating Resilience: Soil Erosion Prevention in Indonesian Agriculture

eyesonindonesia Introduction Soil erosion, like a silent thief, robs our land of its fertility and threatens our future. In Indonesia, where lush landscapes meet torrential downpours, this menace looms large. But fear not! By embracing sustainable practices, we can turn the tide. Let’s delve into the challenges and solutions that will safeguard our soil and nourish…
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Fundamental Additions and Changes in global food systems

Fundamental Additions and Changes in global food systems

According to Several European Governments eyesonproject Amsterdam, 11 june 2024– Global food systems must undergo tremendous and deep social, ecological and economic changes if the human rights charters want to be respected worldwide.  Our global eyeson…project wants to encourage, throughout the world, the production of local agro ecological food, without climate impacts, equitable and participatory.  We…
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Syntropic Farming in Indonesia: Cultivating Abundance and Regeneration

Syntropic Farming in Indonesia:

Cultivating Abundance and Regeneration eyesonindonesia 1. Introduction Ernst Götsch’s revolutionary approach to agriculture, known as syntropic farming, has the potential to transform Indonesia’s agricultural landscape. By integrating principles from natural ecosystems, syntropic farming offers a sustainable and regenerative alternative. Let’s explore how this concept can be applied in Indonesia. 2. Understanding Syntropic Farming Syntropic farming…
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The Tide of Change: Nanoflow’s QUANT and the Seawater Revolution

The Tide of Change: Nanoflow’s QUANT and the Seawater Revolution

eyesonindonesia In a world thirsting for sustainable mobility, the German company Nanoflowcell has cast a stone into the waters of innovation, creating ripples that promise to transform the landscape of transportation. Their pioneering 48V electric car, the QUANT, isn’t just another electric vehicle (EV); it’s a harbinger of a future where the oceans themselves fuel…
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Rio Grande do Sul: What Will We Learn from This Historic Tragedy?

Dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto/ eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 24 May 2024–Writing another piece about the historic tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul is challenging due to its complexity and the profound impact it has had on all of us. This tragedy affected all layers of society, from the richest to the poorest, regardless of color, sexual…
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How to measure the risks and impact of financing on nature

How to measure the risks and impact of financing on nature

eyesonindonesia Understanding nature-related risks and impact and how you can manage those risks and impact is the ambition of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The TNFD is an international partnership of, among others, the United Nations and WWF that Rabobank has been a co-developing member of since its foundation in 2021. After two…
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Sustainable Food & Agri-sector

Sustainable Food & Agri-sector

By 2050 there will be nearly 10 billion mouths to feed. And though we produce more food today than at any other time in history, our food system is under stress. Climate change impacts threaten predictable growing seasons and grower livelihoods. Soil health and biodiversity are in decline. An estimated one third of food produced…
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