Petronas: Suriname has a major oil discovery at the Roystonea-1 exploration well in block 52

The successful drilling, carried out in an offshore location about 185 kilometers from the coast and at a water depth of 904 meters, has revealed several oil-bearing campanian sandstone reservoir packages, the company announced on November 2.
The Roystonea-1 well reached a total depth of 5,315 meters. Petronas said that the discovery is poised to play a crucial role in the company’s international upstream ventures. Further evaluation is being undertaken to determine the full extent of the discovery and its potential development synergy with the Sloanea-1 discovery made in 2020 within the same block.

Executive vice president and chief executive officer of upstream, Datuk Adif Zulkifli, expressed his optimism, stating, “Petronas views the Roystonea-1 oil discovery as a positive development towards realizing our differentiated barrel strategy for international upstream ventures, focusing on a material discovery with minimal contaminants.”
Petronas vice president of exploration, Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman, added that the success of Roystonea-1 is expected to stimulate further exploration in the surrounding areas, driving the search for commercially viable hydrocarbon resources.
The company said it remains committed to collaborating with the host authority, Staatsolie, and its partners to unlock Suriname’s hydrocarbon potential.